나에 대해서:
Always horny cub, looking to make a name for himself in the sex work industry ;P<br/><br/>I would also love love looooove to get bigger than I currently am, I currently sit at 256 pounds or 116 kilos<br/><br/>If you would like to help me get bigger you can always send a tip alongside a request!<br/><br/>Twitter: @cub_dude93
나에 대해서:
Always horny cub, looking to make a name for himself in the sex work industry ;P<br/><br/>I would also love love looooove to get bigger than I currently am, I currently sit at 256 pounds or 116 kilos<br/><br/>If you would like to help me get bigger you can always send a tip alongside a request!<br/><br/>Twitter: @cub_dude93
나에 대해서
Always horny cub, looking to make a name for himself in the sex work industry ;P<br/><br/>I would also love love looooove to get bigger than I currently am, I currently sit at 256 pounds or 116 kilos<br/><br/>If you would like to help me get bigger you can always send a tip alongside a request!<br/><br/>Twitter: @cub_dude93
GainerCub 개인 정보
- 그래요:남성, 동성애자
- 출신::Salinas victoria, 멕시코
- 찾는 대상:남성
- 관심사
및 페티시: - 언어:스페인어, 영어
- 직업:Desempleado
- 아이:없음, 원하지도 않음
- 종교:무신론자
- 흡연:가끔씩
- 음주:가끔씩
- 별자리:처녀자리
내가 어떻게 생겼는지
- 인종:라티노
- 신체 유형:대
- 머리 길이:중간
- 머리 색상:검정
- 눈색깔:갈색 머리
- 키:5 ft 66 in (170 cm)